It is hard to believe that just 6 months ago we walked (or rather waddled) in the hospital just Bryan and I. And, now baby makes three!!! He has blessed us beyond measure, and we are so thankful for our little blessing. He has been happy and healthy since he made his debut 6 months ago. Knock on some wood, the kid hasn't had so much as a cough or runny nose....nothing! Mom says its because I am still breastfeeding, and he doesn't go to daycare! So glad that I can do both of those things for my sweet baby....I figure it is the least I can do. He loves anything that we are interested in. Remote, computer, iPhone, and especially cups! He watches me drink water out of a big cup and throws an almost fit until you let him hold it and get some, then he thinks the water is nasty and spits it all out. We are working on cause and effect....haven't quite mastered it yet, since we do that at least once a day. He thinks his daddy is the funniest person on the planet. Sometimes Bryan can just look at Martin and he will start laughing.
Stats about Martin:
He has moved to size 2 diapers, and I imagine he will be out of those in just a few weeks. And, he goes through about 6-8 diapers a day. When I see a newborn diaper now I just laugh....they were too big on him at first.
He still sleeps really well at night minus a few cries for a pacifier retrieval. Who can blame him? He still sleeps swaddled, so he can't get it for himself. Speaking of still swaddling, I guess we are going to have to teach his college roommate how to do it.....cause he sleeps SO MUCH BETTER swaddled.
Martin eats about every 3 hours, except during the night (Thank goodness for sleeping through the night--Mommy needs sleep too).
He gets rice cereal once a day, and LOVES it. I cannot wait to start solids next week. Stay tuned for a post about making your own baby food (Next Week).
He is in 6 month clothing in most things still. But, a few brands he is in 9 months. Why can't baby clothing companies get on the same page and all have standard sizing??
He rolls back to tummy, and tummy to back now with ease, and sometimes rolls over and over and over. Pretty cute! He is so close to being mobile....hold on!! He can scoot just a few inches, and can go backwards on the hardwood floor. I can't wait for him to crawl and discover the world around him!
Next week I will have his height and weight stats after we go to the doctor. My guess on weight is 16 lbs 2 ounces. No idea why....that is just my guess. I am NEVER right about it. Maybe there is a first time for everything?? Everyone have a wonderful weekend!!
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