Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring Oh Spring how I long for you....

These few days of warm have given me the "itch" for spring.  I cannot wait for it to be warm.  I long for a warm afternoon in which I can toss a blanket out on the lawn in the front yard and Martin and I can play.  I can sit and read my book and he can play with his toys on the blanket.  Who am I kidding....I can paint that pretty picture in my head, but it would inevitably end with ants or my dog howling the whole time from the backyard because he could hear us out front.  We have been on the porch swing a lot, and Martin seems to enjoy being outside.  But, today I came to a stark seems like it might be getting cold again.  Bryan is off this week (7 on then 7 off) so I ran to the Grocery while Martin was napping in his swing.  Of course it started raining while I was in there, so I had to run to my car since an umbrella in your car doesn't help you get to your car.  Well, when I got in, I thought..."whew that wasn't too bad".  And, it wasn't bad, but it is getting cooler outside (SAD DAY).  Then, I got home and apparently Martin wasn't a good boy while I was gone.  Bryan greeted me at the door with a look on his face like...."I give....I have no idea what is wrong".  I loaded Martin into the Baby Bjorn and started unloading groceries.  Turns out Martin must have gotten up from the nap too early.  I can only assume it was from an extra loud laugh at "The Office" that was DVR'd from last week, or perhaps a really funny skit on "Outsourced".....darn those comedy writers, he just can't help himself.  Anyway....he fell asleep, and then woke up pretty hungry.  But, we certainly know how to fix that.  I fed Martin and then gave him his daily dose of rice cereal...and now he is watching "Jack's Big Music Show" on Nick Jr.  Another disaster avoided.  Seems I better get to cooking supper while he is entertained. 

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