Well, my little man turns 4 months old today! I can't believe he is 1/3 of a year old....wow!! He is getting so big. We go to the dr. next Monday for another round of shots, and our 4 month check up. I am wondering if we will start rice cereal then, and when we will start foods?? I am kind of excited about it, because I think Martin is ready. He doesn't tongue thrust anymore...so he wouldn't push it out, and whenever he is around us when we eat, he opens his mouth like he wants some. I am planning on making my own baby food. I know, I know...call me crunchy granola if you want! The more research I do, the more excited I get about it. I found a great website with lots of great resources and helpful hints. www.wholesomebabyfood.com So, I can't wait to get started. Funny, huh? He is turning into such a funny boy. He smiles and laughs ALL OF THE TIME!! I told Bryan if I knew they would all be like Martin, I would have 6 more. He informed me that 5 was plenty. I was KIDDING, but he was not! We want to wait until Martin turns a year old before we start trying again. I think that is a good age to space them apart with.
Some of my favorite things about him at 4 months are the funny faces he makes. He loves to look in the mirror. He loves to talk just to hear himself talk (maybe he is my child after all). He loves to stand up (with assistance of course), but stand none the less, and has even figured out how to move his legs left-right-left-right to move. I am afraid this little guy may walk before he crawls--OOPS! He loves to stuff ANYTHING in his mouth. Doesn't matter what it is...it goes right to his mouth. Martin enjoys watching Baby Einstein DVD's and listening to the music. And, he LOVES for you to sing to him. It doesn't matter what you sing, or if you can sing (because I cannot). He just loves to listen. My favorite is anything to the tune of "She'll be coming 'round the mountain" because you can sing anything to that tune!!! We had a few days of nice weather and we got to go for a nice long walk this weekend and got some much needed Vitamin D for everyone. I think I hear someone stirring from their nap, so I am off to play with my precious baby. Have a great week!!
you are so not earthy crunchy! I'm planning on making Stella's baby food too. We went to the dr on Wednesday and got the go ahead on solids so I'm going to start this weekend! good luck!!
I'm totally all for the making your own baby food! Let me know how it goes...
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