Well, as I sat in the floor singing to Martin in the swing I had the brilliant idea for this post. Ok, so maybe not brilliant, but when you are a mom, all you want to talk about is your sweet little precious baby. Anyone who reads this blog that doesn't have a baby probably just clicked the x in the top right corner. I will forgive them, because they don't understand. Yet! Martin is growing everyday. I haven't weighed him since we went to the doctor last Monday, but I know he has gained weight already, his cheeks are more chubby, and his little fat rolls on his legs are getting more pronounced. My brilliant idea for this post was to include facts about Martin at 4 and a half months. I cannot believe he will be 5 months old soon. I used to post these "facts about Martin" but haven't in a while. I know it will be nice to look back on---especially when he is --GASP--a year old!
This week he started rolling back to front, and it is hilarious. At first he was working at it, really throwing his feet to get going in the right direction, now he has perfected it. He rolls on his side and plays a little, and then rolls over when he is ready. He LOVES his daily rice cereal. I know this is such a controversial topic with the latest info coming out that babies who get rice cereal are overweight kids....hello world, look around, ALL KIDS are overweight. I believe it has more to do with sitting on their butts, playing video games, and eating JUNK! But, this is not my soapbox. I wanted to get him working on the spoon so when we were ready for solids at 6 months he wouldn't be overwhelmed. New food, new spoon....too much to wrap his precious little head around. He grabs my hands, and takes the spoon from me. What a funny guy. He loves for you to sing to him. I always start "Hush Little Baby" and get about 4 verses in and start making it up. Have you ever looked at the actual words to this "Southern Lullaby"....talk about funny.....talks about a horse and cart, no wonder I can't remember the words (google it for a good laugh). I make up some funny ones. Earlier I was buying him an apple pie, but if that apple pie wasn't hot, I was going to buy him a tater tot! It doesn't matter what I sing, just that I sing. He fights a nap like it would kill him to shut his eyes. When Dad is at work, I can promise you child, you won't be missing anything to take a nap. I usually use this time to pick up around the house, wash laundry, or maybe Blog! He has a monkey blanket that he adores. It is soft and furry and has a satin edge with a monkey head and tail. He usually has it by the tail in one hand while he snoozes in the swing. When he is going to sleep in the swing, he likes you to sing (no surprise there)....but lately, you can't stand and sing, you have to sit right by him on the floor and sing. No pictures, sorry! And, he really likes to hold your finger in the hand he isn't holding the monkey with. It is hard to pry your finger out once he falls asleep. But, I tell myself, one day he won't think I hung the moon, and he won't let me kiss him til my lips hurt.
He sleeps in a swaddle me at night, and getting him out in the morning is precious. First free hand flies straight up and then the other. And, he does a little knocking motion with his hands as he stretches! I could cry just thinking about how cute it is. He enjoys taking a bath, but mostly he enjoys the rub down with the lotion when he gets out. Sweet little baby massage after the bath. He wears size 1-2 diapers, and goes through A LOT OF THEM. He is so happy when you are changing his diaper....he just giggles and coos. He likes to HELP too. And, by help, I mean get in the way. Grabbing the diaper off the changing pad and tossing it to the floor, or grabbing your arm while you are trying to get the diaper on. Martin enjoys his bouncer, because he has figured out you can make it bounce by kicking your feet. Sometimes I think he is going to give himself bruises because he kicks so much. Gonna go do some baby laundry while Martin naps!!
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