Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Early Christmas Post

Just wanted to post a few things before we get in the midst of Christmas and I don't get the chance. Martin went to see Santa last week at the mall. He looked up at the skylights the whole time, I don't think he ever realized it wasn't Bryan or I holding him. Silly boy! Martin is going to be traveling to Alabama for his first visit and he can't wait to see everyone (Mamie, Papa John, Uncle Johnny, Jacci, and Uncle Zach). I am looking forward to seeing them all too, just wondering how the car ride will go. I am still breastfeeding (yay!!-this is truly an accomplishment, just ask anyone who has done it) and I wonder how that will work in the car. I guess we will just pull over and I will feed him in whatever gas station parking lot is available. I know it will all work out, just wondering....that's ok, right? This Christmas I feel extra thankful for my own little family. Bryan is truly an AMAZING father. I never doubted him, I just hadn't really seen him around kids, so I didn't know what to expect but he has exceeded all expectations. He is GREAT with Martin. I think Martin is a lucky little boy to have Bryan for a daddy (he thinks he is pretty lucky too, he just loves Bryan). I love to hear my two boys in the nursery on the monitor. Sometimes you can hear them doing the hokie pokie (what if that really is what it's all about?) Bryan tells me the song has dance moves, but I haven't caught them doing that yet (I will keep the video camera handy so I can share). Martin is growing up so much every single day. He is still such a happy baby I couldn't be more thankful! He fights naps like it is nobody's business--I guess he doesn't want to miss ANYTHING. He loves to stare at the mirror and musical mobile on his swing while he swings the day away. That is one of my top five favorite baby gadgets. If any of you care, the other four are-1. the Boppy- a nursing pillow that is my best friend, 2. Pack N Play with the newborn napper (vibration feature) and changing station, 3. bumbo, and 4. SwaddleMe (Mom and Dad's best friend at night). So, if you know any new moms, or soon to be new moms, perhaps you could give any of these as gifts. They would LOVE them all.

Martin has started cooing and laughing more and more, and sometimes when he is busy talking away he makes the funniest sounds. Then, he looks around at Bryan and I like "what the heck was that?" He now enjoys taking baths (THANK GOODNESS). I was worried he was going to be the smelly kid, because he screamed the whole time the first few baths. Now, he actually kicks in the water and plays it is pretty cute. He drools all the time --like a full on bubble blower all the time. He makes an awful face when you give him his vitamins (Tri vi Sol), you would think we were trying to feed him poison or something. And, he has started screaming like you are breaking his legs when you burp him in the middle of a feeding. I burp him before I switch sides, and I can hear Bryan say things to company like, "she must be on the turn now"....I think people think he is nuts! I completely understand it--and sadly I must confess I think it's funny when he cries because he is in a panic like he is getting cut off...but then as soon as I put him on the other side, he settles down almost immediately. He is precious and makes my heart melt.

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