Thursday, September 30, 2010

Martin (cozy little one still in my belly)

Well no new news! I am still holding at 3 cms. Doc still thinks I won't make it til Monday--however, I am losing hope in his predictions! He kept saying at 35 weeks when I was already dilated 1 cm that he didn't think I would make it to my due date--oops he missed that boat, didn't he? I know that Martin will come when he is ready, and I really wish people would stop telling me that, don't they think I know?? But, I am getting kind of miserable. This pregnancy has been so awesome to me, but it is starting to wear on me. I feel like I am as big as a house, and the frequent restroom breaks to empty about 1 ounce of fluid from my bladder are getting OLD! I have been off of work (now for two weeks). It was fun at first, but now I am bored! There is only so much you can do. TV during the day stinks, and I can't even really nap, I am NOT tired. I keep telling myself at the most I have left is 4 days--we are inducing Monday if he doesn't make his big debut this weekend. I know everyone is should have induced at 39 weeks when the doctor said you could.....but that IS NOT WHAT WE WANTED! I truly wanted this little man to come on his own, or at least give him the chance to come on his own! And, if I had induced at that point ONLY for my convenience I would have always wondered if he would have come on his own. So, I know that we made the right decision. Isn't it crazy that people question our choices for our OWN children? Ha. I can't wait to meet this little man, and smell his baby smells, and kiss his baby cheeks, and see how long his legs are going to be! Stay tuned for pictures of Martin, I am counting down the hours.....

1 comment:

Tracie Denise said...

He's here!!!!! Yay!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures!!