Monday, September 13, 2010

It's the Final Countdown

I can remember a gymnastics routine to this song from a recital when I was youngER....yes I was an 80's baby....sue me. I absolutely cannot believe I have less than 2 weeks (talk about scary). I am wondering when our little man will make his debut. I just wish someone could tell me so I can stop wondering every morning if this is THE morning. At my 35 week appointment I was already dilated 1 cm, so I was elated. Then came 36 weeks, STILL 1 cm, and at 37 weeks STILL 1 cm. Last Wednesday I was at least effacing some too-50% so that is another step in the right direction. Then doc said based on measurements and timelines that he wouldn't induce until October 4th unless something was wrong before then (blood pressure, etc). It took a second and then I promptly FREAKED OUT!! October? Hello, I am due in September. I guess babies aren't like Milk, they don't have a use by date....but I have been telling myself for months that I can make it to September, now I might have to make it to October?? Well, after my mom calmed me down and said all the perfect things that a mother would say I settled down. He will come when he is ready, and God knows when that time is. Until then I can just enjoy my last few weeks of our baby swimming around in my tummy. And, drink chocolate milk at night and fill myself with ice cream :)

We had a big weekend filled with LOTS and LOTS of football. I swear I watched about 5 games on Saturday with Bryan including the Ole Miss win vs Tulane. Then, on Sunday, Lucky Girl that I am, got to watch 8 games simultaneously on Sunday NFL Ticket with DirecTV. Aren't I Lucky? It kind of made me dizzy, but Bryan certainly enjoyed it. Friday is my last day of work, which is a little bittersweet. But, I can't wait to be off and have a little time to myself to enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts. Have a great week.

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