Monday, March 14, 2011


As in, I think I am going bananas, not feeding Martin bananas.  We won't start solids until our 6 month check-up.  Which (note to self) is April 7th.  Can you believe we are 2.5 weeks shy of 6 months?  Where did the time go?  I really can't remember much about my life before Martin.  Some would argue this is an after effect of the sleep deprivation....I don't know what happened.  He is such a sweet boy and not just because he is mine.  But, sometimes I think I might be losing my mind.  Might be from the never ending Nick Jr. shows today Yo Gabba Gabba was teaching us not to bite our friends.  What the heck??  Might be from the fact that the weather will not get warm and stay warm, so I am going stir crazy.  Maybe I never had a mind.  Ha!  I am still in awe of just how much you can love a baby.  Even one who makes your eyes cross on occasion, and waits til Dad goes to work to have two HUGE poopies.  Why oh why??  Martin has decided that 30 minute naps are it for him.  Goodness forbid he miss something.  I second guess myself about everything somedays.  Today's dilemma deals with napping.  I want him to sleep better during the day so he won't wake up so grumpy.  But, do I really want him to nap better for me?  I don't think so.  I cannot decide what my approach will be.  When he starts crying 25 minutes into a nap, do I go in to comfort and pop his paci back in? Or, do I wait a few minutes to see if he will calm himself down?  I see the benefits of both....but why must I struggle with it??  Oh the mama struggles.  He is such a happy boy most of the time that I don't do the crying thing very well.  I know sometimes babies just cry....but I want an answer when he cries.  Nope, you are dry, just ate, warm, entertained...what then?  I know all mom's must do this.  Please tell me you do!

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