Well, you got it dude.....Martin cut his first tooth yesterday. I have been saying for about 3 weeks he was on the brink! And, I was finally right. He has been chewing on everything....so we should have known. I was feeding him, and I felt a tiny little pinch.....but didn't think much about it. When I got done feeding him, I looked in his mouth and said, oh yeah, you have a tooth just about to come out, does it hurt? So, I rubbed his gums, that was when I realized it had already "come out". He was just a little fussy at night the previous two nights, and didn't really want to eat as much as usual at his last feeding which translated into waking up at 5 am to eat, but then going back to sleep. But, he wasn't particularly fussy or anything, THANK GOODNESS!! And, last night when we were talking to my Mom and Dad on Skype, Martin sat up for a really long time! He is getting really good at sitting up. He still gets a case of the round butts every once in a while, and tips over, but he gets better every day. I can't believe he is just a few days away from his 1/2 birthday! It seems like I was just waiting to find out what we were having.
One of my very best childhood friends is pregnant, and she just found out this morning that she is having a little girl!! I couldn't be any happier for Matt and Sam. They are going to be great parents. Sam and I met when I was in the 2nd grade and she was in 1st and they moved to Gautier from Massachusetts. Our moms were good friends, and Sammy and I turned out to be the best of friends too. She was a great best friend....and our mothers have so much black mail material on us that it isn't even funny. I just hope they don't convert those VHS to DVD before our kids grow up. I would hate for our kids to realize that we were big dorks! We loved to sing and dance, and make everything a huge production. We loved to play Barbies, and never took off our friendship bracelets. We had some black ones that I swear we wore for about 2 years. I bet our moms finally couldn't stand the smell and made us take them off. I know Sammy will be such a good mommy to her sweet baby girl. And, since I don't have a girl yet, I can't wait to spoil her's ROTTEN! Hard to believe we are old enough to have babies, and that our babies will start Kindergarten at the same time. Now, if I could just work on Analee having a baby!! She swears she isn't having one any time soon....I just hope she gets baby fever soon......Analee....HINT HINT!!! Come on Analee, Martin needs a college room mate!
Martin is growing up so much each day that sometimes I want to hit the pause button so I can't forget what he was like at this age. Right now he loves taking baths and he still loves his swing. He talks ALL.THE.TIME. He talks to the TV, he talks to Bryan and I, and he talks to keep himself awake. He even talks when he is eating. I have been telling him that is rude....but he just smiles at me when I say it. He likes anything that involves music, and he loves for you to sing to him. Baby Einstein DVD's are his favorite--but he really likes Yo Gabba Gabba (who wouldn't like a tall black man with orange hair and strange friends named Foofah and Moon-O??)--plus Jack Black has been on an episode. What a funny boy! He likes to play with anything that has a tag on it. He loves to put the tag in his mouth. I was cutting the tags off things til I realized this. Oops!! He enjoys playing on the floor and doesn't mind being on his tummy. He really fights taking a nap (currently fighting one as I type this). He is still in the size 1-2 diapers right now-- I am trying to finish off the last pack I had! I am not ready for him to grow up, but ready or not, it is happening. He really enjoys being outside. Too bad it has cooled off considerably this week so we can't go walk, or sit on the front porch. He is so content outside. I put him in his exersaucer, and he will play for hours out there while I work in the yard. His favorite toy is "My Pal Scout". He loves the blue flashing light and tries to get it in his mouth all of the time. What a cutie!!!! He also likes to pull my hair. This took a while since my hair is short, but now he is getting really good at it, and LOVES to grab a hand full and hang on.
He goes to the doctor next week for his 6 month check up and shots, and then we will start solids. I am going to be making my own baby food, and I am pretty excited about it. I will be sure to post those adventures too. My brother Johnny has a huge garden every year, so I can't wait to see what he will be growing for Martin this year!! Hope everyone has a great week. I added a picture of Martin from two weeks ago. My cousin Jennifer and her kids Sara Foster and Jack came to visit us on their Spring Break. Martin loved seeing them. And, Jack and Sara Foster were so sweet with him. Sara Foster and I had a Dance Off on the Wii, and Jack thought Bryan was pretty cool (even for an Ole Miss fan) since we had NCAA football for the Wii. Success!! It is always nice to see Jennifer, so we had a great visit.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Busy B's (B is for Benton)
This has been a busy week around The Benton House! We have done something big just about everyday! And, boy am I tired. This was Bryan's off week, and I had a few projects I wanted to tackle. The flower beds in our front yard needed some TLC. I had lots of weeds that needed to be pulled, needed to top the crepe myrtle, and needed to plant some flowers, but first we wanted to work on the gutters. They didn't think their gutter placement through all the way, since two of the gutters drain right into the same corner, and create a pool of rain water that washes all of my mulch onto the porch. Can you tell how bitter I am about this? If you can't, take my word for it....I am! So, we got some of those horrid big black tubes for the drain down spouts, and Bryan saved the day by burying it along the back edge, and running a pop up drain into the yard. And, today as it is pouring outside they are getting tested, and it is working GREAT! I am so proud of his work. I should have taken a picture or two of him working, but I was busy too. I planted lots of flowers in the garden, and can't wait for them all to bloom. I got some great planters for my walkway and planted million bells and mini wave petunias in them, they look great! And, of course I planted a few hyacinths at the front edge, as well as some Supertunias (it's a hybrid petunia). I will be sure to take some pictures when everything starts blooming.
And, then we had a few things to do in the house. I have been on the hunt for a rug for my dining room. I have been looking, but not really looking. I couldn't find anything that I liked much less loved, and rugs are an investment, so you can't just buy something that will "work" you want something you love, so you don't get stuck searching again in just a few years. So, off we went to find a rug for the dining room. When we moved in the house, I bought a red jute rug from Pottery Barn that I LOVED for the living room. But, that jute sheds like crazy. It gets all over everything. And, with a baby a few months shy of crawling, Bryan really wanted something nicer with less shedding. So, I agreed we could look for one for the living room too. I was a little sad because I enjoyed that rug so much, but figured hey, maybe I can find something I like better. And, boy did I?? We went to Capel Rugs, and I took a pillow sham from the Living Room with me. Bryan gave me my "if we are out of here for under $$" quote, and I started looking, well would you believe we found two wool hand knotted rugs and two non-slip pads for under them?? We did, and it took us less than 20 minutes in and out and I was $75 under budget! Yay me! And, I LOVE them both, and they look great in the house. Our house feels so much more homey. But, as we were sitting in the living room later that night, Bryan said "I think we are old, because we just got way too excited about some rugs". Oh well......I guess I am old.
Friday, March 18, 2011
I'm Back
After reading my last post, I didn't realize at the time that I was being such a Debbie Downer. So...this is me apologizing. I don't really know where it all came from, because Martin is such a sweet boy. I am so blessed to have him in my life. He gets bigger and learns something new everyday. He has officially found his feet with his mouth. It is pretty funny when he does. I figure his feet are the cleanest in the house, so I say go for it! He talks and babbles all the time, and loves going for walks in the stroller. He laughs on demand now. It doesn't take much to get him tickled. He is a ham for the camera, and he LOVES his daddy! When Bryan comes home from work you can watch the joy in Martin's face. His little eyes light up, and his grin gets so big, I swear you can see his tonsils. What a cutie pie!
Monday, March 14, 2011
As in, I think I am going bananas, not feeding Martin bananas. We won't start solids until our 6 month check-up. Which (note to self) is April 7th. Can you believe we are 2.5 weeks shy of 6 months? Where did the time go? I really can't remember much about my life before Martin. Some would argue this is an after effect of the sleep deprivation....I don't know what happened. He is such a sweet boy and not just because he is mine. But, sometimes I think I might be losing my mind. Might be from the never ending Nick Jr. shows today Yo Gabba Gabba was teaching us not to bite our friends. What the heck?? Might be from the fact that the weather will not get warm and stay warm, so I am going stir crazy. Maybe I never had a mind. Ha! I am still in awe of just how much you can love a baby. Even one who makes your eyes cross on occasion, and waits til Dad goes to work to have two HUGE poopies. Why oh why?? Martin has decided that 30 minute naps are it for him. Goodness forbid he miss something. I second guess myself about everything somedays. Today's dilemma deals with napping. I want him to sleep better during the day so he won't wake up so grumpy. But, do I really want him to nap better for me? I don't think so. I cannot decide what my approach will be. When he starts crying 25 minutes into a nap, do I go in to comfort and pop his paci back in? Or, do I wait a few minutes to see if he will calm himself down? I see the benefits of both....but why must I struggle with it?? Oh the mama struggles. He is such a happy boy most of the time that I don't do the crying thing very well. I know sometimes babies just cry....but I want an answer when he cries. Nope, you are dry, just ate, warm, entertained...what then? I know all mom's must do this. Please tell me you do!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Rain, Rain, Go Away! Come Again.....NEVER
So, Martin and I are sitting in the dining room looking out the window watching the birds on the feeder when here comes the rain. Yuck! It is bad enough that it is too cold to be out there, why the rain too?? I know the flowers need it, and all that....but really, couldn't it rain at night or something? Not to mention that since it is raining, the leak specialist can't come out to figure out why I have a $500 water bill from last month. I can tell them why. Because, when we moved in, they had just repaired a busted pipe from the lawn irrigation people....and then this time last year, that repair busted and we had two months of $1200 worth of water before someone really believed it, and fixed it. Leaky toilet my rear. So, I am sure that pipe did the same thing again. At least, I am hoping that is what it is....instead of something in my house. So, needless to say, water is not my friend right now.......
Dreaming of sunny weather and spring time. I am enjoying everything that is blooming! Bradford pears started a week or so ago, and now I see a few red buds sprouting, and the forsythia (-2 pts for spelling) is too. I can't wait for spring. Martin's Easter Basket came in and I LOVE it. I can't wait to get some precious pictures of him with it on Easter morning. Now, if I can stop taking things out of the basket that I am saving for Easter. Silly mommy.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
5 Months-- ALREADY!
Martin has decided this week that he doesn't want to take a nap, and that he wants to eat 7 times instead of 6 each day. Can you say Growth Spurt??? Haha! I feel like Bessie the Moo Cow sometimes from all of the eating....but I wouldn't have it any other way. Now that all the kinks are worked out, it REALLY is so much easier than fixing a bottle each time.
Is that not the sweetest face you have ever seen?? He has really found his tongue in the last two weeks, and does the funniest things with it. He is such a mess!! A precious little mess though. He talks and babbles ALL the time. He loves to squeal with delight at anything. And, sometimes even at nothing. The weather is supposed to be nice most of the week, so hopefully we can get out and walk a bunch. He really enjoys the stroller now that he can sit up like a big boy and see everything. In case anyone was wondering the thing on his onesie that says 5 months is actually a sticker. Click HERE to visit their website and order some. They have girl ones, boy ones and neutral ones. And, they make taking monthly pictures so easy. Grab a onesie stick the sticker on and shoot away. Have an awesome week!
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