Friday, January 27, 2012

15 Month Check-up

My baby boy is a few days from 16 months, and I absolutely cannot believe it.  This time has flown by, like I knew it would.  I cannot believe it really wasn't yesterday that I was excited that Martin was crawling.  Now, he is turning into a little boy.  And, while I am excited to watch him grow, it is a little bittersweet.  We went Monday for our 15 Month Check-up and shots.  He did well, and got a good report from the doctor.  He weighs 21 lbs and 8 ounces, and is 31" tall.  Hard to believe he was only 7lbs 9 ounces when we met him and just 19 3/4" long.  Hard to imagine he was that tiny.  And, isn't it funny how fragile you think they are when you bring them home from the hospital??  You are scared to pull their onesie over their heads, boy does that change in 15 months.  Ha!  He is becoming such a busy butterfly.  We don't stop all day.  I basically have to beg him to take a nap.  He isn't just walking anymore, now he is running!!  He is a climber, but luckily we can keep that at bay pretty easily.  He likes to be wherever you are but doing whatever he wants to do.  He loves to play with his zoo talker animals.  He loads them up in his truck and pushes them all over the house, and then chews on the ostrich or flamingo heads.  He wants to read approximately 25 books each day.  He has at least 14 teeth.  At the peds office Monday, the doctor said wow, cutting canines already, that is ahead of the curve.  Well, aren't we proud you are ahead of the curve on THAT of all things!!  Ha.  You can certainly tell that he has been cutting teeth, all of his clothes are constantly soaked on the front.  He refuses to wear a bib.  He will pull it off. And, if you try to put one on that doesn't have velcro, he will just try to pull his head off.  He loves destroying lego towers and loves to play with the busy ball popper.  That toy has really held his attention.  At first he hated the sound it made, but now he loves to put his face over the air spot, and blow his hair around.

Helping Mama open her birthday presents

Fun with Tissue

Hard to get him to be still for a picture

After about 20 pictures, this is the best one 

PJ's covered in drool

Blowing his mohawk!!

He is learning more and more every day.  Sometimes I forget what a little sponge he is!  He can sign more, milk, please, thank you, eat, and me.  And, he will try to say most of the words you say.  They aren't always perfect, but they get the point across.  He really likes animal noises.  If you ask him what the cow says, he will say "MMMmmmmmm".  He will also make the lions roar, the dolphin screech, and the orangutan sound from the zoo talkers.  Pretty funny if you ask me.  But, naturally I think he is precious!  Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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