Monday, April 9, 2012

The Easter Round-up

Yes, I know I haven't blogged in a month....but I have been too busy to stop and document it.  I know I should stop and do it--so when I look back I can remember all of our times together, but do you know how busy an 18 month old is??  This weekend we celebrated Easter with two egg hunts. 

Egg Hunt #1

Lasted about 90 seconds, and Martin got 3 eggs.

With his loot.  He didn't understand why everyone was screaming!

Yep, still petrified of anything in costume

The first egg hunt was a last minute decision, and truth be told, I was glad we decided to go at the last minute, because it didn't go well.  It was in downtown Arlington, and the kids and mainly ADULTS were CRAZY.  It lasted no longer than 90 seconds, and everyone was losing their minds.  I saw a Dad with a baby asleep in a car seat no older than 4 months, who got approximately 25 eggs in the carrier in 30 seconds.  Talk about taking it a little too serious!!  Martin got 3 eggs!!  He didn't really even have enough time to figure out what was going on.  His age group was 2 and under, so some kids were really excited--and I bet they were sorely upset at the end too.  It was NUTS.  Then in the next age group, a mother told her kid, stay right here in this area, if you don't, a monster will get you.  So, when the lady said "Ready, Set, Go!" that kid burst into tears.  Some people just don't think things through all the way do they??  

However, the second egg hunt was a huge success.  Martin got at least 35-40 eggs, and had plenty of room to run and gather his eggs in the willy nilly fashion he is famous for.  He is a lot more like me than I realize sometimes.  He stopped and opened every egg he picked up and then tossed them in his basket.  By the end of the hunt, he was putting the candy in his bucket, and tossing the eggs back on the ground!!  What a mess.  He didn't care for the bunny at either hunt, but did better at the second one, just because we didn't put him in the Bunny's lap.

Egg Hunt #2--success

Look at all these eggs Mama

I think I will save you for later

Did someone say Golden Egg??  Maybe it is out in the wilderness

Finding the eggs

Still not sure about the Bunny

Playing with Dad

The Easter Bunny came!!!  Martin got a backpack to take to the nursery.  He also got some pj's, swim trunks, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, books, a stuffed minky bunny (that I love more than he does), snacks, goldfish, elmo eggs, sand toys, and a safari truck with more animals for the Zoo Talker.  The Zoo Talker was a Christmas gift, and Martin has played with it more than I ever thought he would.  And, he is learning a lot by playing with it.  He knows how to make the orangutan noise and can chomp like the gator.  He loves to knock over the animals when I position them in their spots on the jungle.  And, the head of the ostrich is a great teether for the those back molars.

The  Easter Bunny loot

Yay, a giraffe--our new favorite animal

After church we went for Easter Brunch at Owen Brennan's, and it was fabulous.  A little taste of home.  Eggs Benedict, omelets with crawfish, gumbo, and any other yummy food you could think of, including Bananas Foster.  I thought someone was going to have to wheel me out it was so good.  Then, Martin played on the steps of Regions Bank for about an hour.  And, took a big ole nap when he got home.

Attempt at a family picture after Brunch

Post Brunch-- Pre Nap

Too busy playing to sit still for a picture

What people??  I am busy!

Playing on the steps of Regions Bank

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