Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Catching Up

Alabama Spring Break

For their spring break-- Mamie, Papa John and Zach came to visit.  And, we had a great time.  It was like my spring break too, because they played with and entertained Martin so I got a little Mommy break, and it is always great to visit with your family!

Martin telling Zach an ear full of something

Showing Papa John the new sand and water table

Refilling the bird bath

Hey down there Zach

Me and my baby brother -12 years difference

His future is so bright....

Martin the Moose waiting to feed the giraffe

Checking the receipt!

Now we are an Old Pro at feeding the giraffes

Family by the waterfall

Mamie and Papa John

Best seat in the house

A little afternoon fun-- nothing like Mamie pushing you all over the backyard

Now, go that-a-way Mamie.

I told y'all we had been busy.  I wasn't kidding, was I??  This is what happens when you don't blog for a month.  You play catch up, and end up with 3 posts in less than 24 hours.  Oops! While my family was here, they helped me make Martin a play work bench.  It turned out precious, and when I order the play tools, I will post pictures.  It is too cute.  I know he is still a little young for it, but he loves to beat on it.  Anything can turn into a drum in seconds. 

Martin is just a little sponge these days, and is working hard to repeat anything you say.  He loves to flirt with the ladies that work at the Grocery Store.  He loves playing with Bubbles, any animals, and anything that has wheels.  But, most importantly, he is his happiest when he is outside.  He is definitely a little nature boy.  Last week we completed our spring garden overhaul--and he was in heaven.  We added more stone up front, planted flowers, mulched the flower beds, sprayed for grubs, sanded the low spots in the yard, filled the bird feeders, cleaned the bird bath and Martin was happy as a little lark (pictures to come).  He loves to stand at the window in the dining room and watch the birds in the front feeders.  And, we have 4 babies in the bluebird house in the back.  We have shown Martin the birds, but he wasn't very impressed.  I don't think he knew what they were.  Hope everyone has a great week!  Stay tuned......house pictures to follow.

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