Friday, December 16, 2011

Presents Everywhere

I am ALMOST done Christmas shopping.  I stress the almost.  I am so close I can almost taste it.  Everything is wrapped, and under the tree, and Martin is LOVING playing with all of the bows.  He carries the gifts around by the ribbon most of the time.  So, if your bow looks a little manhandled when you get it, it probably was.  Thank you precious child! 

Up to no good!

Have you seen any presents with my name on them Mom??

Bryan, Martin and I went to see Starry Nights at Shelby Farms last night.  It was nice, but not worth the money.  We opted for the car ride self led tour as opposed to the $5 extra per person for a carriage ride.  It was a little cold, and I could see Martin having a meltdown in the middle of nowhere or something.  The lights were pretty, and Martin enjoyed seeing all of them.  His favorite was the under the sea portion complete with sharks, sea turtles, and seahorses.  We stopped halfway through at the Mistltoe Village to see Santa.  HA!  Now, that is funny.  This is our 3rd try with Santa.  3 different Santas....all an utter failure!  He is NOT a fan.  Therefor, our Christmas card this year is a picture from the beach.  Sorry friends!!  We also got to look at the horse drawn carriages.  Martin kept saying "duh-ga" which is dog.  Yes baby, you are so smart, that is a very big dog!!  He was NOT interested in touching or even getting close to the horse.  See, glad we opted out of the Carriage Ride. 
Starry Nights

Mall Santa

Front Door Decor

Our Christmas Lights

Martin's new favorite thing is asking for more (by signing more) and saying "mo mo mo".  It is pretty cute, but kind of frustrating if you don't know what the more is.  Haha!  He loves that it gets him what he wants though--and I love that he can tell me what he wants.  And, two other cute developments.....he will point at himself if you show him a picture of himself and ask "who is that?"  And, he will also make a car noise when he pushes around cars/trucks/toys with wheels.  Pretty funny.  He will repeat some more words when you say them, but I don't think most people would understand what he was saying. 

Bathtime Fun with Dad

No wonder he doesn't like taking a bath when I give him one.  I didn't know he prefers to bathe with a mohawk!


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