Monday, September 12, 2011

 Some of you may wonder what we do all day?  Well, first things first....breakfast!  Milk and then fruit and oatmeal.  Martin loves fruits and veggies.  Then, we play!  And by play, I mean Martin walks all over the house making a huge mess, and I chase him around all day cleaning up the mess.  He isn't content to just sit and play anymore.  Well, of course not!  You have to move around, don't want to get too bored.  

So, sometimes we play in the tub.  Not while we are bathing of course---if you get too serious about playing in the tub, someone might dump a cup of water on your head.  So, you must play outside of the tub with your clothes on.  He actually ended up in the tub by the end and I have a picture somewhere--maybe on my phone.  Guess I need to sync--it's been a while. 
 He loves to snack.  He loves baby puffs, baby cheese puffs, regular cheese puffs, cheerios, and our new found love GOLDFISH.  JoLinda had some at the tailgate, and he was a huge fan!  Yes, Martin went to his first Ole Miss game this weekend, unfortunately we left the camera at home.  Easy to do when you are busy trying to get 3 people ready, and food fixed for the tailgate, and baby snacks, and a packed diaper bag full of entertainment, and sippy cups, and somehow we forgot the camera.  Martin was GREAT.  He slept the first 45 minutes we were there, and played musical parents, but enjoyed himself.  He flirted with every single woman sitting within 5 rows of us.  Played peek-a-boo under the table cloth with Dad (Martin initiated) at the tent before the game.  And, showed everyone how great he can walk.  And, best of all, Ole Miss got a win!!  Go Rebels!

We spent our morning this morning playing outside.  Every time we get a little bit of cooler weather, I realize that before we know it winter will be here and we will be trapped inside.  Martin loves to be outside, and it is really funny to watch him now that he can walk around outside.  He is so curious.  This morning he was busy trying to get the sprinkler heads that were watering the grass.  He isn't a fan of walking in the grass barefoot.  It feels weird, and he will stand on one leg and hold the other foot up in the air, and reach up for you to pick him up.  We had a special treat today though, Monday is garbage day, and boy do we love that loud garbage truck.  So, we got to stand and watch them pick up everyone's trash on the back street.  Yay for garbage men!  The guy was so nice to Martin, and Martin loved watching the big blue truck.  Oh to be a kid again.  It's the small things.  Like the garbage truck, and the irrigation system.  And, here I was fussing because the grass was wet and I had to take the trash out.  I really should think more about what "bothers" me, but then again, shouldn't we all??  

Last I will close with a few pictures from the past few weeks.  Hope everyone has a great week!  Happy Monday
Puff the Magic Baby
Enjoying some ice cream at Jason's Deli
Do you think this is too many cheese puffs??

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