Monday, September 26, 2011

Go Rebels Go

Just a few of my favorite pictures from this weekend.  Yes, I know Martin is the cutest kid you have ever seen.  It really isn't fair to other babies, is it?  He was a little grumpy the first half--but nothing a nap and a meal won't fix.  Then, people cleared out, and Martin really enjoyed the second half!  Even if we did lose.  Shh--we didn't tell Martin the Rebels lost.  

We are #1!!!!
 We had a busy and early morning.  We got up at 6 to leave at 8.  We made it to The Grove about 9:45, and had time to tailgate before and after.  Martin got 2 early birthday presents, and you can see one of them in the last picture.  He played with the penguin all over the tent after the game.  And, he has since figured out it is actually more fun on the wood floors at the house, because you can pick it up by the top and bang it on the floor and make a loud sound.  What fun!  Seriously, he is loving it.
Funny Faces
 We had an interesting morning this morning.  We woke up to jack-hammering at 7:30.  What is up with that?  I thought about carrying Martin outside to give him to the guys and saying "you wake him, you take him".  But, decided they would probably let him run some heavy equipment, so I better not.  They are paving our road this week.  It would be lovely if this would be completed by the birthday party this weekend, but I KNOW we aren't going to be that lucky.  I am sure the road will be a huge mess Saturday.  But, I am glad they are paving it anyway--just wish the timing was a little better.  Oh well.
Daddy and Martin

Playing at the Tailgate
By the time we got home Saturday night Martin was filthy and exhausted, and I was a bit tired too.  Now we are busy finishing things for the birthday party.  And, by we, I mean me.  I chase Martin around all day and pick up his messes.  I really believe I would have to sweep, mop and vacuum everyday for my house to always look presentable if we were to have company drop by.  He can't just sit and eat some snacks, we have to get two fistfuls of snacks, and crush them up while walking around the house. I mean, I have nothing better to do that walk around picking up crumbs, right?  I love this little guy, and cannot believe he will be 1 so soon.  Where did the year go??  Today was my due date a year ago.  And, I can't remember specifically but I am sure the day involved lots of walking around the neighborhood trying to walk this baby out.  This year has been the best of my life.  Happy Monday Y'all!

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