Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bella's Shower

So, Martin just put himself down for his morning nap....(wow--first time for that), so here I am blogging.  We have been super CRAZY busy this past week.  So, I guess little man has learned to be a little independent.  I usually hold Martin and walk or rock to get him to take his morning nap, this morning I was holding him, and he wanted to get down, so I put him down, and he crawled over onto his big blanket in the floor, grabbed an extra paci and his monkey blanket and is sacked out.  What a cutie!!  He has tooth #5, and #6 looks so close too.  He was a little fussy a few times this past week (I blamed it on teething, and I was right).  He got tooth #5 Sunday morning, and the next one is so stinking close.  We left Wednesday to go to Jackson for a few days to break up our 7 hour drive to the coast for Sam's Baby Shower.  We got to Kara and Ryan's about 4 or so, and had a great time!!  Kara made a new recipe, and it was so good, and even easier (Mexican Lasagna).  And, fed me some truffles for dessert which were amazing.  Bryan and Ryan enjoyed some much needed man time in the man cave!  They played darts and whatever else you do in there....I am not a man, hence I wasn't invited.  Kara and Martin and I played!!!  She took some great photos of Martin.  He loved hanging with K....I mean who wouldn't??  She set up the crib for Martin, and he appreciated not sleeping in the pack n play.  Then on Thursday morning we got up and went to see my cousin Jennifer and her kids.  I loved seeing them!  They took us to Five Guys for lunch, so we could see what the hype was all about.  It was a pretty good hamburger.  And, of course Jack and Bryan played Wii.  Jack thinks Bryan is pretty cool, even if he does like those "stinky Rebels" (insert that Jack and his Daddy are DIE HARD Ms State fans--yuck!).  Sara Foster and Jennifer and I entertained Martin.  Sara Foster enjoyed Martin a lot more at this stage.  The last time we saw them Martin had just learned to sit up.  But, this time, she could carry him around.  When they came to visit us right after Martin was born for the first time, she wanted to know if he could talk, and did he have any teeth.  When we answered no to both, she wanted to know what in the world he ate.  ------Insert explaining breastfeeding to a 7 year old!-------  She took it pretty well, and didn't seem too grossed out!  We had a great time visiting with them, and then it was back to Kara and Ryan's.  Kara and I went for a walk and boy was it hot, but it was nice.  We had another great supper.  Ryan made some dove that the boys killed last season.  I will admit that it was good ok.  I tried one bite to please Ryan.  It wasn't bad, but I certainly wouldn't put it on my plate and eat it for supper, so Kara had graciously made us grilled chicken (she knows me too well).  And we talked and caught up.  Then Friday morning it was off to Gautier!

Martin, Becca and Sam at Bella's Shower

Sam and Bella

Martin, Mamie, Becca

Martin and Analee

The spread!
We got into town about 1, and stopped at the Carter's outlet to get baby boy some long sleeved 12m onesies (what he sleeps in) and then went to the Grocery to get all the stuff for the food for the shower.  We went to dinner Friday night, and it was great to see everyone.  It was....Bryan, Me, Martin, Analee, Stephen, Mom, Shelia, Zach, Joanne, and Sam (and Bella in Sam's tummy).  It was a great night and the food was good too.  We went back to Analee and Stephen's and did most of the prep work for the food for Saturday.  Got up Saturday--got ready, and finished what we could for the shower.  And, then it was time for the shower.  Everything turned out great, and Sam got some great gifts for Bella.  She is going to be one well dressed sweetheart!  We had a long day, but Martin did great at the shower.  Of course it helped that Mom was there to entertain him.  Thank goodness!!  We had Ed's for supper (yummy yummy yummy) and then pretty much called it a night.  Woke up Sunday and went to visit Mom and Shelia a little more on our way out of town.  Then we jumped in the car for a LONG ride.  Martin did great.  We stopped and fed him twice but he did great once again.  I don't know why I am always worried about being in the car with him, he always does great!  I think the hardest part about being out of town is trying to get everything unpacked, washed, and put up after a trip.

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