Friday, September 13, 2013

Ole Miss vs Southeast Missouri

Another win under our belt! It was Olivia's first tailgate. It was hot!!! But the kids did well considering everything. Kickoff was at 6, so I stayed back to feed Olivia and then meet Bryan and Martin at the game. About 15 minutes after I got to the game, Martin decided he was ready to go back to the tailgate. I walked back with both kids so Bryan could actually enjoy the game. Martin loaded up on grapes and realized everyone we tailgate with was at the game, so he promptly announced he was ready to go back to the game. I hadn't even caught my breath from our walk back yet. I chugged a bottle of water and off we went headed back in time to make it back for half time.

I think I saw two plays before halftime. Luckily I saw most of the second half! And we got to celebrate a win with The Rebels! Martin enjoys watching the sidelines for Rebel (the black bear). And everyone we sit by was excited to see Olivia since last football season I was just pregnant with her :). And they both snored the whole way home after the game. I'm not as young as I once was. All those stairs while carrying a baby will wear you out! Hotty Toddy! Ready for the game against Texas tomorrow.....Let's make it 3-0!

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